Thank you all for your support. We are currently not running any classes, but stay tuned for future classes!
Personalized Content
Find video courses on numerous topics and build a library for your career and personal growth
Go at Your Own Pace
Access courses in math, debate, computer science, English, ballet, history, and biology on our website
Learn from Qualified Students
Study under instructors who have many accomplishments in their respective fields
Learning is our passport to the future.
Stay connected while at home
Kindling Curiosity aims to achieve what our name suggests. We provide free one hour lectures and Q&A sessions every week via Zoom to elementary school students and middle school students on a variety of topics.
Together We Can Make a Difference
Always Keep Learning
As schools are shut down across the nation, many students are left with lots of free time and not much to put their minds to. Despite the lack of control over our current situations, we should not give up our aspirations and ambitions. We want to help kids across the country develop new interests or dive deeper into their existing interests. Learning shouldn’t stop just because schools aren’t in session.
Kindling Curiosity Reach
Highly qualified instructors with numerous accolades
Students registered on our learning platform
States in the U.S. where students regularly join our classes
Questions? Suggestions? Concerns?
Please contact us at contact (at) with any questions, suggestions, comments, or concerns you may have. We will try to respond to you as fast as possible.